Unwanted calls are a major nuisance in Brazil, according to a recent survey sponsored by First Orion. Mobile Time, a news site specializing in the...
Scam Calls
Don’t Fall for Tax Day Scams
Happy Tax Day! Or, if you didn't get the fat refund you were expecting and have to pay this year...our condolences. However your Tax Day is going,...
Scam Alert: Lights Off
Charge the phone. Run the air. Warm the shower. Power the wifi. You don't realize how much electricity you rely on until it's out. So if someone...
Scam Alert: Fake Publishers Clearing House Calls
Everyone loves the thought of a giant check appearing at their door, but the FTC is warning that a call from Publishers Clearing House might not be...
Scam Alert: Beware of Fake “Publishers” Promises
It's been almost a year since we wrote about the Publishers Clearing House scam - and this is one trick call that isn't slowing down. Emma Fletcher...
Tax Scams Don’t End the 17th
Happy Tax Day! For all of you that received that big fat refund check, congratulations! For those that owe money… our condolences. Even if you've...
How To Spot Government Imposter Scams
Some scams are easy to spot - free vacations or suspicious inheritances don't often land on your doorstep without some catch. Others are much more...
Scam Alert: Student Loan Forgiveness
Student loans can follow you for a large part of your adult life - which is why it can be a lucrative target for scammers. If you’ve got student...
New Year, New Tax Scams
As consumers become more and more savvy to scam, the bad guys have to come up with new ideas to get into your pockets. The FTC has released a scam...
Infographic: How Scammers Get You on the Hook
You may be thinking, "I could never be the victim of a scam." But in reality, scammers use LOTS of tricks to get you to give up the goods. Scammers...