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We all add value. We all belong.

Society around the world is experiencing a reckoning when it comes to social justice issues. In this climate, it’s more important than ever that our employees feel safe, secure, and heard. As First Orion continues to grow and deliver a positive impact on our communities, it is vital that our diversity, equity, and inclusion beliefs are well rooted within our organization and tied closely to our core values. 

When each employee brings their individuality of thought to the table, it creates a more innovative, positive environment and a broader, holistic perspective. The bottom line? A stronger environment and a “melting pot of awesomeness.”

We’re thankful to have created a place where everyone is welcome – our “People First” vision on Diversity & Inclusion reminds us to: 

  • Treat people how you want to be treated
  • Think and act beyond ourselves, for the greater good
  • Value character, understand and embrace differences among people & look for culture adds, not just culture fits
  • Focus on what brings us together rather than sets us apart
  • Value our different perspectives, which create a #meltingpotofawesomeness

We’re committed to a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive world. We’ve got room for everyone to make our company an even greater place to work and celebrate together!


Here’s some more info on our culture.


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