Users of First Orion’s PrivacyStar app filed 31% of all call complaints in 2015, according to the recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Consumer Sentinel Network Report.
The report reveals that consumers continue to be bombarded by unwanted calls. The total number of FTC complaints filed by PrivacyStar users jumped 10% from 2014 to 2015.
Read the full FTC report here.
Some report highlights include:
• Debt collection was the number one complaint category with 29% of overall complaints, followed by identity theft (16%), impostor scams (11%), telephone and mobile services (9%), and prizes, sweepstakes and lotteries (5%).
• Over 1.2 million complaints were fraud-related and consumers reported paying out over $765 million with the median amount paid being $400.
• Tax- or wage-related fraud (45%) was the most common form of reported identity theft, followed by credit card fraud (16%), phone or utilities fraud (10%) and bank fraud (6%).
To prevent these numbers from climbing, we’re working hard to broaden adoption of First Orion technology, while making it easier to report nuisance callers when the offense occurs.