First Orion and Designing North

It’s here! has undergone a complete makeover, thanks to our own Product Marketing Team and the brilliant folks at Designing North Studios. We sat down with Designing North’s Executive Creative Director, Lisa Peacock, to chat about the new look and take a look “under the cape.”

FO: The new website feels decidedly more hip than a traditional corporate website. What inspired you to go in this direction for the overall look and feel?

LP: During the discovery process, as we learned more about First Orion, we realized that all of your differentiators were not coming through in your online presence. First, you are filled with real data scientists creating the algorithms that allow you guys to understand the data around this scam and robo epidemic. Which is super cool! Being authentic about your mission for a company like First Orion is really about ‘sharing what’s under your cape.’ What’s under there is not just the data and the knowledge, but there is truly a palpable drive coming from your team to protect us. We felt it during discovery: the people at First Orion want to protect us. There wasn’t a person at FO that didn’t express a true desire to do the right thing. They could see all the data, all the bad actors trying every second to get through to our phones, unrelenting, and it was so inspiring to unearth this amazing commitment to be part of the change, part of this kind of ‘protection team’. This is where we felt the ‘superhero’ emerge for us as a creative team. So we drew our first cape on one of the data scientists. From there, we were inspired to jump away from the crowded visual space where everyone is showing real devices with real product shots, and we just sketched. We were moved to be more transparent about everything. Which led to our idea of the phone becoming your trusted source again. Where in full color, you could see who is calling and why. We just loved that tint to full-color transition that is happening on some of our main areas. So it’s a long answer to your question, but what inspired us was you. You guys are superheroes. But not in a goofy way, it’s understated and authentic – like a sketch or doodle you make on a piece of paper. Cause when you’re sketching or doodling, truth emerges. And we think the truth is pretty hip. So ‘hip’ just came naturally.

FO: A client like First Orion comes with a LOT of content to sift through, both existing and the stuff we wanted to add. What are some of the challenges of finding the right flow and voice for the site while organizing our message?

LP: Content is always the biggest challenge in every project. But we have techniques to organize that process. We used something called priority guides on this project that allowed the team to not get distracted with visuals, but really focus on the content and message. The design team is then able to mock-up wires with real content vs. the standard latin placeholder. It’s a hard technique, cause people can be very visual – but it forces everyone to read. In terms of the First Orion voice, we didn’t really have to force that at all – it flowed well for us after our interviews in discovery. There is quiet confidence, a humble pride, and a heartfelt knowledge that comes across from everyone. It was important for people to know that First Orion knows their stuff, they are careful with data, but that it’s all wrapped in a good sense of polite Arkansas humor. It makes you what you are: approachable.

FO: Do you (secretly) have a favorite part of what you’ve created? We won’t tell (anyone who doesn’t read the blog).

LP: We love the subtly of the ‘cape’. You find it in a few places. It covers (no pun intended) a few themes. That First Orion, carriers, businesses, consumers: we are all superheroes in this fight against mobile scam, robo, and spoof calls. Coming together is what makes us stronger. But it also illustrates that unlike many data companies who may have something to hide, First Orion wants you to see what’s under the cape. This aligns with your mission of ‘Transparency In Communication’ – so the cape does its job in many aspects.

FO: The new look and feel of the website is gorgeous. How do you feel it has improved how we tell the story of First Orion and our services?

LP: It speaks to each audience uniquely now. What First Orion is to a mobile carrier is not the same as a mobile consumer. We were conscious that the right message, the right product, the right information of how to be a part of this ‘superhero league’  was made clear across the spectrum of those you support in your quest to transparency.

For more information on Lisa and her team, check out

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