How Much Protection Do I Need?

PrivacyStar blocks all known scammers automatically – for FREE. We’ll never change that. However, some of our customers want to block more nuisance calls, like charities or political surveys. How much protection do YOU need? Here’s what we cover...
How To Spot Government Imposter Scams

How To Spot Government Imposter Scams

Some scams are easy to spot – free vacations or suspicious inheritances don’t often land on your doorstep without some catch. Others are much more difficult, thanks to scare tactics and intimidation. Scammers often pretend to be government officials to try...
Scam Alert: Student Loan Forgiveness

Scam Alert: Student Loan Forgiveness

Student loans can follow you for a large part of your adult life – which is why it can be a lucrative target for scammers. If you’ve got student loan debt, you might have seen ads or been contacted by companies who promise help and relief. Some of those are...
New Year, New Tax Scams

New Year, New Tax Scams

As consumers become more and more savvy to scam, the bad guys have to come up with new ideas to get into your pockets. The FTC has released a scam alert for the newest tax scams to watch out for in 2018. The Fake Tax Returns: Identity thieves file a fake tax return...
Infographic: How Scammers Get You on the Hook

Infographic: How Scammers Get You on the Hook

You may be thinking, “I could never be the victim of a scam.” But in reality, scammers use LOTS of tricks to get you to give up the goods. Scammers often use exaggerated – or even fake – prizes, products, and services as bait. Here are a...