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5 Things Every Partner Should Know About Branded Calling– First Orion

5 Things To Know About Branded Communication

We’re sure by now we’ve permanently stamped branded communication into your head with how many times we talk about it. You’re not tired of us yet? Oh well, you’re going to hear more. BUT, class is in session for those new to the branded calling game, whether as a newly established partner or someone just curious about the process. 

As a partner, it can be challenging to sell a product you’re not as well-versed in. You’re working with a business to help sell their products – and earn a slice of that revenue pie. You’re the mediator from customer to company, but what do you say to get those customers hooked? 

What Is a Partner? 

Are you a current partner? If you’re considering but don’t know where to start, we can help. 

Partners pair up with a business, acting as the mediator between service providers attempting to sell their products and clients interested in buying said products. 

When you partner with us, you get access to our Partner Portal and program, which is dedicated to delivering genuine connections and building trust with future customers. The Partner Prime Program offers aid to partners – giving them access to training, assets, and more to help connect and work with potential clients. 

Partners and Branded Calling 

If you’re a partner, you might be curious about selling our branded calling solutions. Here are some key things you need to know about branded calling with INFORMÒ.

1. Know Your Products

First, you’ve got to know what you’re selling — the difference between products and which is best for each client. 

Long story short:
First Orion focuses on protecting your brand’s image by labeling your outbound calls. 

Short story long:
At First Orion, we focus on enhancing the call experience by helping make calls to your customers that are recognizable, memorable, and trusted – through INFORM branded calling. 

INFORMis our branded calling solution that enhances the call experience by making calls recognizable, memorable, and trusted. It allows you to display up to 32 characters for your brand name, include your logo, and, on some devices, even provide the reason for the call. 

As an option to INFORM, we offer call authentication, which provides end-to-end verification to protect against brand spoofing and enhance customer trust. This call authentication can be implemented with a REST API integration with the customer’s phone system.

2. Knowing the Difference Between Spam and Scam

A recent article we published, Spam vs. Scam: The Key Differences and How to Prevent a Bad Tag, defines and differentiates the two: 

“Scam calls are defined as fraudulent calls where the scammer attempts to scam victims out of their personal information to defraud them – usually for money. 

In contrast, a spam call is not necessarily a scam attempt – many spam calls are from legitimate businesses that use unfair or poor calling practices, which leads to annoyed customers. Examples of spammers range from political or polling calls to charities who repeatedly call numbers to gather donations.” 

Spam and scam tagging and how to prevent a bad tag are the most common questions we hear from our clients. Make sure you know and are following calling best practices to avoid a bad tag.

3. Case Studies and Data Are Your Friends

Our case studies help to prove the power of branded calling and can be an excellent resource for our partners to share with their clients. These case studies go in-depth into the problems a company faced getting their calls answered and how our solutions produced positive results. 

For example, here’s a Call Center Case Study: 

Problem – A call center expressed difficulty getting customers to answer phone call requests. The customers would fill out online forms to request a call, but when the agents called with an unknown number, customers weren’t answering. 

SolutionBy using INFORM, the call center saw a 10% increase in engagement and nearly a 50% boost in conversion rate. More clients answered, and more successful resolutions were made over the phone.

4. Use Your Resources

When you become a partner with us, you’re given numerous resources when talking with potential clients. 

The Customer Portal is a centralized hub for managing numbers, branding calls with the correct information, and measuring the success of our calling programs with analytics. Through the portal, you receive access to your clients’ programs and can provide them with access to this data. 

Partnering with us provides you with our partner success team. You’ll receive dedicated support through our client success team, your customers are in good hands with our knowledgeable rep as well as documents dedicated to training and aiding your partnership journey in the marketplace. 

Our website can also be a resource for aiding you in a sale. Whether it’s our blogs, videos, case studies, reports, or eBooks, we’ve got oodles of information for you to offer to prospects.

5. Think Like Your Customers

It sounds a little obvious, but putting yourself in the customers’ shoes is one of the most important things you can do to understand the importance of our solutions. 

Let’s take a second to imagine it (cue flashback sequence). 

You’ve recently gone to the doctor about a mysterious freckle, and the hospital said they’d call you with an update. As you’re waiting for this crucial call, an unknown number appears. You’re not going to answer that call; What if the hospital calls while you’re on the other line, and you miss the call you were waiting on? 

Playing phone tag is no fun. So, instead of answering, you ignore that unknown number or block it to avoid letting it bug you. The plot twist? That unknown number was the hospital, with an important update. 

Your customers go through this when they receive a call from an unbranded number. But with a branded call, every outbound call is identified, even in the call log! 

Interested in Branded Calling? 

Now, if you’ve made it all the way to the end and your interest is piqued, we’re open to talking about the next steps. 

Learn more about our Partner Programand see how INFORM can help your customers answer more calls and build trust. 

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