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What is Call Printing? AI Technology from First Orion

Call Printing and AI Technology; African-American woman holding mobile phone with "Scam Likely"

When you hear “artificial intelligence,” what comes to mind? Many people may think of the Matrix movies or self-driving cars, but artificial intelligence (AI) also plays a significant role in scam detection. Whenever you receive a phone call marked “Scam Likely,” that’s First Orion AI technology at work. 

While it may seem like a futuristic concept, we’ve been using AI with machine learning for scam detection since 2018. AI technology is the foundation of all of our communication products.

How Does First Orion Use Call Printing?

It starts by identifying scam trends and tracing a call path. Then, we implement our communication protection against those scam callers into all the calls we process. To ensure we identify the right calls as a scam, we make sure the number calling meets the appropriate criteria before flagging the call.

INFORM display on Android deviceThanks to our technology, we can even see if the call is a number being spoofed.

This same scam protection has been built into our Branded Communication services. Though AI is not necessarily required to run an ENGAGE or INFORM program, our scam protection is crucial to make sure both consumers and businesses are protected during the call process. 

The Need for AI Technology

According to our data, 97% of people received a scam call in 2021, with over 21 billion scam calls detected by First Orion throughout the year. And it’s costly – U.S. consumers lost nearly $30 billion to scam calls last year. 

AI and machine learning were monumental steps in protecting people from these scams. However, scammers continue to work around the clock to fool the system, trying to make their calls blend in with legitimate ones. STIR/SHAKEN (S/S) is a landmark solution for the future detection of scam calls;  still, fraudsters are already scheming ways to slip through. As more companies legitimize their calls with S/S checkmarks, more scammers will find a way to fake it. 

It doesn’t stop with a phone call, either – scammers are hounding consumers through text messages as well. With the expanded number of businesses using SMS to connect with customers, it’s an increasing problem in desperate need of an intelligent solution. 

Beyond AI

The biggest question is, are we doing enough?

Artificial Intelligence technology is a powerful tool, but it’s only as strong as the data it’s given. In the telephony sector, there are a lot of holes and issues with data, so AI alone can’t be the resolution.

That’s why we employ large data scientist teams to evaluate call traffic constantly, leveraging the truth-file creation done by our Data Verification Analysts. We search through enormous amounts of data, including data we create, allowing us to keep our models and scam detection up to date and ahead of the scammers. 

The Continued Fight Against Scammers

Scamming is a multi-billion-dollar business, so the fight against scam is never-ending. We’re constantly evolving to make sure we can protect businesses and consumers every day. With the power of our people and data behind us, our tools and solutions will always be ready. As long as scammers are trying to break the rules, First Orion will be one step ahead of them.

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Blog contributed by Kent Welch, Chief Data Officer at First Orion.

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