A New Way to Amazon Connect
Are you having issues with answer rates, phone number management, or the dreaded “Scam Likely” treatment? Partnering with AWS, First Orion offers simple platform-ready integrations to resolve calling issues and unlock new revenue opportunities.

Amazon Connect + First Orion’s Branded Calling
Two Technology Leaders Transforming the Phone Call
People don’t answer if they don’t know who’s calling. In fact, 87% of people admitted they don’t engage with unknown numbers. First Orion’s Branded Communication restores trust by displaying your brand name, reason for calling, and logo, with optional call authentication for added spoofing protection.

Trust the Industry Leader
First Orion is the most experienced provider in the market. Join the ranks of top enterprises and show your customers you're the leader in your industry, too. What Sets First Orion Apart? Unlike others, First Orion's call authentication provides real-time verification to protect branded calls from spoofing without delays in the call flow.
Founded in 2008; And just getting started.
branded monthly
calling programs
using Branded Calling

Maximize your ROI
Put Your Brand Front and Center When Calling Your Customers
Consumers who answer your calls are ready to do business, increasing customer engagement, call-center efficiency, total conversions and ultimately, your bottom line. Manage multiple programs and maximize ROI with advanced analytics in our user-friendly portal.
Likewise, through our integration with Amazon Connect, you can leverage branded call metrics and analytics to measure the success of your calling programs, optimize customer engagement and know your branding programs are working.
No matter your business or industry, we bring everything together to deliver a successful mobile communication experience to improve brand reputation, reliability, and trust.
32-character personalized text
Customize every call with your brand name, department, or reason for calling.
Brand protection from scammers
Outsmart spoofers by adding call authentication to eliminate brand spoofing.
Access to the Full US Market
Reach more customers with access to all major US carrier networks.
Display message in call log
Retain custom branding in phone call log.
Advanced Brand Protection
Call Authentication Eliminates Nearly 100% of Brand Spoofing
People are more likely to pick up when they know who is calling. You know it, and the bad guys know it too. It’s why spoofers often attempt to trick customers into giving away their information through a phone call that looks like it’s coming from a trusted business. Unprotected enterprises are vulnerable to brand spoofing, damaging their brand reputation and putting their customers at risk of scams and fraud.
Using unique keys, First Orion’s call authentication ensures that branded calls occur only within a specific, secure time frame, protecting against spoofing. This outsmarts bad actors, boosts brand reputation, and restores customers’ trust in you. It’s tailored to be the perfect solution for CPaaS providers, UCaaS providers, and enterprises with large call volumes.

Partner with the Best in Building Branded Calling Solutions

Elevate Your Customer Communication with First Orion and AWS Amazon Connect
Customers expect to recognize and trust the businesses reaching out to them, where branded calling becomes critical. First Orion, the leader in call protection, advanced call authentication, branded calling, and call-blocking technology, is thrilled to announce its...

Eliminate Brand Spoofing Risks with Call Authentication
Businesses have enough to worry about without brand spoofing throwing a wrench in their strategy too. Since the inception of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, it has been pretty easy for bad actors to spoof or deliver false caller information to...

How Branded Communication Can Blend into Your Total Experience Strategy
Businesses are always looking for fresh ways to market to their clients and increase their KPIs through new and better experiences. By now, you’ve probably heard of a total experience strategy. Enterprises are adopting this hot new trend to create a holistic approach...