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Hospitality Companies: Without Branded Calling, You Risk Losing Clients

The reality is hospitality businesses offer the same services. Housekeeping? Covered. Upgrades to first class? Been there, done that. And don’t get us started on the advertising. It’s all the same nowadays.

So, with all the predictability in the travel and hospitality industries, how else can you stand out amongst the competition?

You already know what we’re going to say, right? Branding your calls is a surefire way to have your cake and eat it too, as the late Marie Antoinette would say.

Unknown Numbers – The One That Hurts Brands

One more similarity between travel and hospitality businesses? The abundance of unknown numbers used to call customers.

Is an unknown number enough to make people flee from your industry? You’d be surprised. In our survey focusing on the hospitality industry, fewer than 10% of people said they would recommend these businesses to friends, families (even strangers) if they called using an unknown number. Yikes! Honestly, that’s 10% too much.

But if you look at the math, that means 90% of surveyors would decline and deter a travel agency or hospitality business if they failed to identify themselves on outbound calls. A tragedy your business could prevent – if you ask us.

Scammed Silly – Protecting Your Brand & Customers

Customers value transparency, and they’re slowly losing trust in the hospitality industry. Another direct effect of not branding your calls? Customers are getting scammed!

Between phishing attempts and impersonations, it can be challenging for customers to discern between real and fake. Due to this, almost 30% of people reported losing money to a scam caller last year. The money really starts to add up.

One scam finds front desk impersonators convincing vacationers to re-verify and refile their payment cards to ensure their stay.

These scammers and spoofers take advantage of your business’s lack of branding and use it for their own financial gain. And now your customers have lost their faith and trust in the industry.

Your business isn’t a total loss, however. When you choose Branded Communication, your answer, engagement, and even conversion rates, are sure to soar – leaving scammers in the dust.

Branded Calling – It’s Just That Good

Branded calling is more than a solution; it’s a lifestyle.

With the growing discredit associated with unknown callers, it’s only a matter of time before branded calling takes over every phone! First the phones, then… the world! (they’ll never see it coming).

Especially with our survey to back us up – 9 in 10 customers expect hospitality businesses to put effort into identifying their calls. And we agree! If people can screen their calls and have an idea of who’s calling them, they’re more likely to answer the phone.

And while few customers say they’d recommend a hospitality service that uses unknown calls, there are so many other clients that rely on a properly branded call. An astounding 95% of people say a branded call is essential to them when picking a business for their vacation and travel.

So what’ll it be, chief? Risk it all on the unknown? Or, give your brand the ultimate career boost with Branded Communication? It’s all up to you in the end.

CHOO CHOO. All Aboard for Branded Communication! Ready to board? We’d love to demonstrate our branded calling solution to you. Schedule a Demo today!

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