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Keno cleans up business with First Orion’s ENGAGE branded communication solution

Keno is an on-demand, car wash mobile app that sends services directly to a customer’s location.

branded communication and calling solutions for financial services

Why Keno needed ENGAGE

42% of Ninja calls were going unanswered, frustrating both drivers and customers

Many customers prefer to wait until the driver arrives to unlock their vehicle – so when customers’ don’t answer the phone, it hinders operations. Ninjas must continue making several calls, sometimes over long periods of time, until they reach the customer.

Case Study

A True Game Changer for Keno

Prior to ENGAGE, Keno had an answer rate of 58% (November 2019). Within four months' time usig ENGAGE, Keno improved their answer rate to an amazing 92%.



in answer rates

first orion case studies keno

Better Customer-Driver Experience

High-Quality Customer Service

Higher answer rates mean Ninjas gain faster access to customers’ vehicles, spend less time waiting, and fulfill more washes with the same operational capacity. Employee satisfaction is up, as drivers now have the ability to earn more commission by completing more jobs during the same operating hours. In addition, customers who answer Keno’s call can prepare their vehicle ahead of arrival and observe service from the comfort of indoors.

Keno also regularly uses ENGAGE to deliver branded outbound customer service calls addressing feedback and complaints. Such calls are measured by call handling time, whereby longer duration produces the best customer result.

Pre-ENGAGE, longer conversations only accounted for 54% of the connections. Once ENGAGE was implemented, this rose to 87%, proving that when customers know Keno is calling, they are more likely to have meaningful calls that lead to a resolution.

See What Our

Customers Are Saying

“We were talking with our CEO and showed him a branded call experience from First Orion, and everybody on the executive leadership team thought it was awesome. It just clicked with them that we need this because nobody picks up the phone anymore if they don’t know who’s calling.”

Senior manager of retail product management and post-purchase experience

“Our contact rates are slightly down by 1.5% to 2%, but revenue per attempt has increased 15% to 40% depending on the brand that we’re calling about.”

Senior director of call center operations in the online marketing industry
Call Center

“If someone misses their delivery, it costs ups $100 to revisit your house to redeliver an appliance.” We do from 5 to 8 million appliance deliveries a year, so these numbers are significant.”

Delivery notification retail product manager

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Why Branded Calling is Great for ROI

Why Branded Calling is Great for ROI

Branded calling is a fantastic benefit to businesses in a variety of ways, but one area we’ve touched on but never gone deep into is the positive return on investment, or ROI, that branded phone calls provide. Your ROI is a way of measuring the benefit you receive...