Video: Scam Call Victims Speak Out

When we ran a consumer survey for our Annual Scam Report, we asked people about the types of scam calls they received. What we weren’t expecting was over 900 comments about the creative ways scammers have tried to steal from those they call. We compiled some of those responses to show you exactly how scammers try to bait their victims:

It’s not surprising that scammers continue to go to great lengths to keep business booming. The scam call industry isn’t just some random guy in a basement – it’s a billion-dollar crime enterprise. In previous years, we saw spikes in scam calls as scammers tried to reach as many people as possible. Now thanks to scam blocking apps and carrier services, they’re forced to focus on being more effective. As the scams continue to evolve, being scam-aware is essential.

This year in particular, we found that people were falling for scams related to COVID-19 the most. Scammers keep up with the trends too – and they love to prey on people’s fears and anxieties. As we enter 2021, First Orion expects to see more COVID-related scams, likely using contact tracing, vaccination, or insurance to frame their schemes. Be conscious whenever you answer an unknown number, and never give away personal information unless you can verify the source.

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