The Buyer’s Journey: Your Brand and Connecting with Clients

Companies – how do you connect with your customers? You’re probably thinking about emails, digital and print ads, and other forms of communication. But a lot of businesses underestimate the power of the phone call.

The Buyer’s Journey

Believe it or not, people want to hear from you because they want a better connection with your brand. Think about where your clients are at in their buyer’s journey. Whether you’re reaching out to prospects, new clients, or loyal customers, a phone call can significantly improve how people view your business. It can also help you get better results and achieve your goals.

At each step of a client’s unique process, there are multiple opportunities to have better, more impactful conversations with them. So while websites, emails, and other forms of interaction have their place and purpose, a phone call is still necessary for a quality customer experience.

Why Customers Want a Phone Call

People prefer phone calls when they have a lot of questions or need to have a longer conversation. The phone call is also the number one mode of communication from industries that deal with sensitive information, such as banking and financial services.

Reaching the right people at the right time is crucial. However, over 80% of people don’t answer calls from unknown numbers. Why? Because people are tired of scam calls.

That’s where branding your phone call comes into play. Most companies already spend their marketing budgets on other forms of branding. Now you can leverage your business identity to deliver calls made to answer with your name and reason for calling.

Check out our infographic below. Get a glimpse at why branded calling matters and discover reasons to reach out to your clients at every point of the buyer’s journey.

Connecting with Clients: Your Brand and the Customer Journey

The Buyer's Journey - Connecting with Clients: Your Brand and the Customer Journey


Download your FREE copy of the “Brand Yourself: Connect at Every Step of the Buyer’s Journey” eBook today.

First Orion is working to change the way people see their phones. Learn more about our branded calling solutions

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