INFORM® Branded Calling for Legal Servicess
Unknown numbers are ignored by 9 out of 10 people. INFORM® Branded Calling helps Legal Services Providers display custom call information, building trust and increasing answer rates.

Explore the Benefits INFORM®
Has to Offer
- Outstanding Balance Collection
- Legal Case Updates & Notifications
- New Client Acquisition & Intake
- Court Date Reminders & Legal Notices
- Contract & Document Updates
- Client Support & Consultations
Enhance Client Engagement & Improve Efficiency with INFORM®
Increase in Client Response Rate
A legal firm used Branded Calling to reach clients faster, reducing missed appointments and improving workflow efficiency.
Decrease in Unanswered Calls
A major law office reduced missed calls for case updates and consultations, enhancing client satisfaction and case management.
More Successful Client Interactions
Branded Calling helps law firms improve call response rates, ensuring smoother legal processes and stronger client relationships.
INFORM® Branded Calling brings together everything for a successful communication experience, no matter the industry or use case.
Available across all major mobile carriers in the U.S
Explore the Benefits INFORM® Has to Offer
Increase Your ROI
Future-Proof Your Calls
Build Customer Trust & Loyalty
Enhance Your Brand Reputation